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What is a Website Audit?

A website audit is a process of evaluating the effectiveness of your overall website experience.

Things to check when you’re conducting a website audit:

  1. Website responsiveness
    Having a responsive website means that their website looks great from any device. Check to see if it’s mobile-friendly on the Google Search Console Test.
  2. Navigation
    Check if their website is easy to navigate. You can recommend eliminating clutter and anything else that can distract a visitor from getting lost on their site.
  3. Font legibility 
    Check if the fonts are legible and easy to read. Recommend using serif and sans serif fonts for the headings and paragraphs, and maybe a fun font as an accent (e.g. script).
  4. Website Favicon
    Check if they have a favicon. A favicon is a small image found in the address bar of browsers, search engines, and bookmarks, and it’s essential to increase brand awareness.
  5. Check if the images are high-quality and professional
    Check if the photos they’re using on their website are pixelated or low quality. Recommend using high-quality personal brand photos or finding unique stock photos.
  6. Brand consistency
    Having a cohesive and consistent look across all platforms is important. Check if they’re using the same fonts, and color palette on their website as they do on their social media platforms.
  7. Spacing
    Check the margins, paddings, and white spaces. Check if the end user can read the copy and see the images properly. 
  8. Attention-grabbing CTAs
    Check if their CTAs are placed strategically across their website and if all the buttons are working properly.
  9. SEO Relevant keywords 
    Check if they’re using relevant keywords in the URL and title of the page or post.
  10. Check their site speed
    Check to see if their site speed is good on the Google Search Console test.

Once you’re done recording the video, send it to your prospect using the script below:

Hi prospect’s name

My name is [your name]. A little about me, I’m a freelance brand and web designer.

I help people like you generate more leads and sales through strategic branding and conversion-focused websites.

I conducted an audit of your website and noticed a couple of things that you can tweak to help you get more leads and sales. I’ve put together a short video to show you the things that you can do to improve your overall website experience. 

Do you need any help implementing these changes? I’d love to help you! Let me know about your availability to hop on a call so we can talk about what it looks like to work together.

To your success,

Sheena Gorgonio
Brand + Web Designer, Design Business Coach
Sheena And Co Digital Solutions

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